Sunday, August 8, 2010

In Mexico

I'm in Mexico now and I am at Starbucks. We got a house. We bought a nice couch. And we have plants. Mommy's friend has a dog. We got a patio in our room (me and David). We are having a real fun time.


  1. we love you and miss you, buddy!! when does school start?

    -Uncle John and Aunt Marissa

  2. Hopefully this is not a duplicate but I am still learning this blog stuff. We bet you love the dog!!! Glad all is well and happy. Miss you and love you...Grandma and Grandpa Y

  3. It already started. It's the third day of school.

  4. Hey dude!! Hope schools going good!!! Saw the picture of your room on David's blog! I like your patio!!! Miss you and can't wait to see you! Tell Joelle I said Hi!!!! Tell her I still have the bracelets she gave me and I wear them all the time!

  5. Edan says, "We told her! Did you see my new blog post?"
